Friday, April 11, 2008

Boulder Hazed and Infused

A- / 4.15
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | drink: 3.5

ABV: 4.85%
Style: American Pale Ale
Purchased: $2.19 per 12 ounce bottle at Wine Gourmet in Roanoke, Va

This beer pours about 3 fingers of thick-foamed off-white head, so much so that I can't fit a whole 12 ouce in my oversized Maudite snifter. Head sticks around the whole way down the snifter. Impressive looking.

There's a hefty amount of piney, citrusy hops on the nose, as well as a light apricot aroma, and it reminds me of HIPA and other Magic Hat hoppy beers, in the way it is dryhopped with sweet, pungent hops. The smell has an aggressive, sharp, and clean bouquet that just overtakes your olfactory nerves.

The taste is light citrus and almost lemon. The hops are juicy rather than overly bitter; they taste and smell very fresh. So thick with hops it resembles perfume and oil.

Mouthfeel is light but it's full of flavor. I can't believe this beer is under 5% ABV. I don't remember the last beer I had at that level but it tastes 2% stronger than it really is.

Very impressed by this and the Mojo I've tried from Boulder Beer Co. They know how to do their hoppy beers and they are all better than average. Hops are definitely in excess for a beer of this strength, but are still constructed in a refreshing and tasty manner. For Hop Heads Only.

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