Monday, May 5, 2008

Brooklyner Weisse Beer by Brooklyn Brewing Co.

B+ / 3.95
look: 3 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | drink: 4.5

ABV: 5.10%
Style: Hefeweizen
Purchased: Wine Gourmet in Roanoke, VA

This beer poured with out much of a head for me, and it's also surprising that it's a rather clear straw color without much yeast floating around. I bought it as part of a basket of five different beers that was marked down from a ridiculous 25 dollars to $4.99. Still, the label claimed fresh before July.

The smell is extremely clove-heavy as it should be; banana abounds as well. There's a spice that I can't place in the aroma that is really emphasized in the taste. It's slightly cinnamon, a bit meaty, like roasted ham, plus vanilla and butterscotch. There's definitely a lot going on.

The taste is much as i described, but the cinnamon spiciness, and some fruitiness is highlighted.

The mouthfeel is interesting, bready, foamy, sharp on the finish, and of course spicy if that makes sense. Again, complex.

Nothing major to detract from drinkability. True to style.

This might be the most impressive offering by Brooklyn Brewery I've had yet, aside from the appearance, which may have been due to a weak pour. Still, no lacing, no real sign of head retention. If i had another 20 minutes to smell it I could probably find 20 more aromas. Good summer ale.

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